Friday, March 27, 2009

Grow A Backyard Vegetable Garden

There are many reasons why you should grow your own VEGETABLE garden. I emphasize vegetable because in my "younger days" I had a running argument with my sister that I didn't grow any thing that I couldn't eat. She on the other hand, had a lovely lawn and a bunch of flowers. Of course, some flowers are edible...hmmm. Any way, the obvious reasons include healthy food, food (which is becoming a concern), great tasting food, etc. And with the economic woes and people staying home more often, having a garden is a positive gives you something to do!

You really do not need a lot of space to get a garden going. If you have a five gallon bucket, you can grow something! It is much cheaper to grow your own plants from seeds. I have written an article on the pros/cons of using hybrid/non-hybrid seeds. You can find this article at and then plug in the keywords hybrid/non-hybrid seeds in the search box.

A quick gardening tip for today is: SAVE THOSE EGG SHELLS! Egg shells make great little "starter" containers for your seeds. When cracking your eggs, try to only knock off the top 1/3 of the shell (best when you really don't care if your egg breaks). Fill your egg shell with a good starting soil, plant seed, let grow. When you are ready to transplant, simply place the whole thing in the ground. I knock off the bottom so the roots can poke through the bottom of the shell. Not only do you not disturb the fragile roots, but the calcium in the egg shell will provide some extra nutrition for the plant.

In future posts I will address other gardening concerns, tips and strategies.

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